Acts 23:6

Perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees. When the Savior was condemned, the Sanhedrin was composed of both parties, and now, nearly thirty years later, we find the same. The chief priests, as a rule, were Sadducees, while the scribes were mainly of the Pharisees.

I am a Pharisee, etc. Alford, says, concerning his declaration: ``All prospect for a fair trial was hopeless. Paul well knew from experience that personal odium would bias his judges, and violence prevail over justice. He therefore uses in the cause of truth the maxim so often perverted to the use of falsehood, "Divide and conquer".''

Of the hope and resurrection of the dead. It was the doctrine of the resurrection that especially inflamed the Sadducees against the gospel (see PNT Ac 4:2). This was the ground of battle between the two sects, and Paul, himself once a Pharisee, now preaching a gospel of which the great fact is the resurrection, not only avails himself of the opportunity to proclaim the fundamental truth of Christianity, but in so doing divides his enemies.
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